GATE/EXPANDER is the default noise gate and downward expander on the WING console. It can work as a regular noise gate with a fixed gain reduction below the threshold (RANGE) or as a hybrid between a gate and a downward expander.

When the RATIO is set to “gate”, the device will work as a noise gat. For instance, if the threshold is set at -10 dB and RANGE is 20.0 dB, all signals below -10 dB are attenuated by 20 dB. An input of -60 dB corresponds to an output of -80 dB; an input of -30 dB corresponds to an output of -50 dB, and so on.

If RATIO is set to any other value than “gate”, the gain reduction will be applied in a proportional way as the signal falls below the threshold, until the full attenuation set by the RANGE is reached. The closer the input signal is to the threshold; the less attenuation is applied. The higher the ratio, the steeper the slope of the transfer function and thus, the closer the resulting sound to “normal gating”. For example, with a ratio of 1:2, if an input signal is 5 dB below threshold, the output signal will be 10 dB below threshold. With a ratio of 1:4, an input signal of 5 dB below threshold corresponds to an output of 20 dB below the threshold. In this setting, the plug-in is behaving as a downward expander until the full attenuation set at the RANGE is reached (20 dB in this case). For all signals below this point, a fixed attenuation is applied.


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