WING EXPANDER works as a conventional downward expander. It is available in the COMP slot and is usually applied when a noise gate yields an overly aggressive sound. The RATIO behaves in the same way as described above.

An (upward) expander acts the opposite way of a compressor. It makes loud signals that pass over a threshold louder while keeping quiet signals the same. A compressor with a ratio of 1:3 will require 3dB of additional input signal to achieve a 1dB increase in the output signal. An expander with a 1:3 ratio will produce a 3dB louder output signal for every 1dB in increased input. Neither a compressor nor a gate will affect the signal if it stays below the threshold. For that, you need a gate.

Behringer's integrated WING Expander has similar parameters to the WING Compressor. Besides how the ratio works, the critical difference is that you should apply the makeup gain to attenuate the signal rather than amplify it. Since signals over the threshold will be louder than in the bypassed state, you should set the makeup gain to compensate for that increase in loudness.

You'll probably not need an expander in live audio, but it's there for you if you do. If you want to know more about expanders, please check out this article on (opens in a new tab).


Behringer集成WING Expander具有类似于WING Compressor 的参数设置。除了比率工作方式之外,关键区别在于应该应用增益补偿来减弱而非放大信号。由于超过阈值的信号将比侧链状态下要大声,因此你应该设置增益补偿以弥补这种响度的增加。

在现场音频中可能不需要使用扩展器,但如果需要可以使用它们。如果想了解更多关于扩展器方面信息,请查看 (opens in a new tab) 上发布的文章。


Behringer 的集成 WING 扩展器的参数与 WING 压缩器类似。除了比率的工作方式之外,关键的区别在于你应该应用增益补偿来衰减信号而不是放大它。由于高于阈值的信号将比侧链状态更大声,因此你应该设置增益补偿来补偿这种响度的增加。

你在现场音频中可能不需要扩展器,但如果你需要,它就在那里等着你。如果你想了解有关扩展器的更多信息,请查看 上的这篇文章 (opens in a new tab)


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