1.07 版本固件 添加 Sidechain(侧链)/ Key Source(侧链信号源)
AUTO RIDER is designed to automatically “ride” the fader in the desired channel, so that the perceived volume remains relatively constant. THRESHOLD sets the level that the input signal must surpass to be processed at all. TARGET sets the desired output level. SPEED determines how quickly the adjustments will be made. RATIO sets how steep the transfer function of the output signal in relation to the input signal is. Lower values yield more subtle adjustments. HOLD determines the minimum time the fader adjustments must remain in place. RANGE sets the maximum amount of attenuation or amplification to be applied.
这看起来是以 Waves Vocal Rider 为基础的,其概念是,它通过推子来调平音量,而不像压缩器那样改变声音或音调。