WING COMPRESSOR is the default digital compressor in the console. A transfer characteristics graph is provided to the left to easily visualize the signal and gain reduction. The input level is represented on the x-axis, while the output level is represented on the y-axis. Standard threshold, ratio and knee, controls are provided. Disengage AUTO ENV to manually set the compressor’s attack, hold and release parameters. The detection can also be set to peak or RMS.
The signal used for the compressor’s sidechain can be chosen on the top left corner KEY SOURCE menu. Filters can also be applied to the sidechain, be it the same signal or another of the 40 input channels.
虽然 Behringer 为我们提供了许多极好的仿真压缩机,但拥有一个灵活的、中性的、能让你控制所有参数的压缩机是至关重要的。WING Compressor 正是为你提供了这样的功能。除了标准的阈值、比率、启动时间和释放时间等参数外,你还可以控制包络类型(线性与对数)、峰值与有效值检测、可变拐点值和保持时间等。Behringer WING 的所有压缩器还提供增益补偿和一个外部侧链信号源(KEY SOURCE)。